The Oval is an American soap opera that was first aired on BET in 2019. The writer and producer of the show is Tyler Perry. The first season of the show was aired in October 2019. The Oval focuses on the story of a clan living in America’s most coveted residence. It shows the everyday struggle of family members trying to balance the personal and political life.
Ever since the release of season one the show has received an overwhelming response around the US. Fans have been waiting curiously for the second season of the show. Luckily, the producers of the show officially announced the renewal of the show. In April 2020, Black Entertainment Television announced the renewal of the show.
The production of season two has already been started from August 4, 2020. As of now, fans are in guessing games about the probable plot and cast of the show. The filming of the show is in the process right now. If you are also one of the fans of The Oval then read on to find the release date, cast, plot, crew, and latest updates about The Oval Season 2.
The Oval Season 2: Release Date
We know that production for the second season has already been started. So, the possibility of telecasting the new season on BET seems to be very high. According to the sources, the renewal of the show was decided much before the pack up of the first season. But due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the production of the show got delayed.
It is predicted that season two may be the outcome of Tyler Perry’s partnership with BET. Whatever may be the reason, fans seem to be attentive and excited about the airing of season two. According to the sources, the show is being filmed at a blazing place, shooting one episode in two days. At such a great filming speed, we can expect the release of the show in early 2021.
The Oval Season 2: Cast
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The massive cast of The Oval season one seems to be returning in season two again. As the producers of the show have not declared anything official about it, we cannot say anything about the new characters of season two. However, we can expect to see the main characters of season one for sure. The cast of season one included well-known and multi-talented actors of the US. Here is a list of all the main and recurring characters of the show.
- Ed Quinn – Ed Quinn plays the role of President of the United States named Hunter Franklin. Ed Quinn is a famous American actor and musician.
- Kron Moore – Portrayed as Victoria Franklin, the First Lady
- Paige Hurd – Paige Hurd plays the role of Hunter Franklin and Victoria Franklin’s daughter, Gayle Franklin.
- Daniel Croix – He is cast as Jason Franklin, Hunter and Victoria’s son in the series.
- Javon Johnson –He is portrayed as Richard Hallsen who is the butler in the series.
- Ptosha Storey –Richard Hallsen’s wife Nancy Hallsen.
- Melissa L.Williams– He is one of the recurring characters of the show and cast as Ruth Hartman.
The Oval Season 2: Plot
In the absence of any clue about the plot of season 2, we cannot predict what could be the next big thing for the viewers? But we guess that season 2 would start from where season one left. Season two may bring a more intense and dramatic display of the everyday lives of people in power. Furthermore, the story would be equally likely the same as season one.
As we know that the plot of season one of The Oval is a quite fictional set up in the most iconic residence of the US i.e. The White House. The show revolves around the everyday tasks and responsibilities of the people working in the White House.
It also portrays the struggles of the characters juggling between the personal life and political life in the show. Also, the crisp and clear dialogue delivery and the perfect portrayal of the high profile family of the White House is the USP of the show.
Season one brought a unique storyline with an amazing concept and received an overwhelming response. The dramatic display of influence of people in power kept the audience captivated all through season one. The Oval came into the limelight when it recorded a million views per episode in the US. All credit goes to its original script and unique storyline.
The Oval Season 2: Crew and Latest updates
The Oval is executive produced by Tyler Perry, Michelle Sneed, and Mark E. Swinton. The writer and director of the series is Tyler Perry. The first season which consisted of 25 episodes was aired on October 23, 2019. With a running time of 42 minutes, The Oval was recognized as the highly-rated show around the US.
With a million viewers per episode, the show became one of the highly acclaimed shows. Owing to its popularity among the masses, the producers of the show announced its second season much before the conclusion of season one. But due to COVID-19, its filming and release got delayed. Sources say the renewal of the season may be the result of the partnership between BET and Tyler Perry.
It is no doubt that multi-talented Tyler Perry has no boundaries. The unstoppable Tyler Perry went on to create a spin-off of the show titled Ruthless. The first season of Ruthless was premiered on March 19, 2020. After this, season two of The Oval took much attention from the fans.
The production of the season has already begun in August 2020. We are hopeful that season two will bring the best of drama as interesting as it delivered in season one. If everything goes as per plan, we can expect to see the telecast of the show in early 2021. We will keep you posted about the latest happening about the show.