Fairy Tail is an immensely popular animated series that is based on the Japanese manga series written by Hiro Mashima. The series was broadcasted first on TV Tokyo in October 2009. The series won an extreme fan following from the very beginning.
The fans are eagerly waiting for season 10 of the series as season 9 ended last year in September 2019. Fairy Tail is one of the longest-running anime series and if you are reading this post, then I bet you must be curious enough to know about season 10. Read on to find about the release date, cast, plot of the Fairy Tail series.
Fairy Tail Season 10: Release Date
Fairy Tail, known as Fearī Teiru in Japanese came up with the release of Season 9 of the series on October 7, 2018, and concluded on September 29, 2019. Season nine is predicted to be the last season by the viewers as it has been a year after season nine has concluded.
As far as season 10 is concerned, fans are eagerly waiting for any clue about its release dates. But we cannot hear any official announcement regarding the release of season 10 of Fairy Tail. We hope to see the legal notification soon for season 10.
Fairy Tail Season 10: Cast
The previous seasons of the series were packed with a large number of characters and entertained the viewers by featuring an extensive list of characters as written and illustrated by Hiro Mashima. Fairy Tail characters are seen performing various forms of magic in the series and Hiro categorized the varied mix of characters in the protagonist and antagonist list. Let’s know about the main characters in detail:
Natsu Dragneel– The main protagonist of the show, Natsu Dragneel is immune to flames due to his magical powers and serves for combating the dragons of the guild. Raised from a young age by the brother Dragon Igneel, Natsu emerged as the most reckless and destructive dragon. Natsu also proved in each series that even though he was reckless, but he appeared stronger whenever he was caught in a bad situation. Natsu also suffers from motion sickness.
Lucy Heartfilia- Highly popular among the masses, Lucy Heartfilia is another protagonist of Fairy Tail. Lucy appears as a celestial wizard in the show and calls the celestial spirits from another world with her magical powers. Equipped with a whip, she is a teenage wizard who aspires to be a novelist. She is confident, courageous, and fought many wars in the guild along with Natsu Dragneel.
Happy- A blue – cat which accompanies Natsu Dragneel is cast as Happy by Hiro Mashima. The cat is blessed with superpowers of transforming into a winged cat and is a friend of Natsu in the show. Happy is active and fast, as she can fly at incredible speed and can carry one person.
Gray Fullbuster – A rival of Natsu, Gray Fullbuster is an ice-wizard who is specialized in transforming ice into any weapon he imagines. He can withstand cold temperatures and has the magical power of Ice Demon Slayer magic inherited from his father. Gray and Natsu were portrayed as rivals in the series, though eventually Gray is seen as helping Natsu to reveal his identity and help him live again as a human.
Erza Scarlet– Also known as Titania, Ezra is a swordswoman, a magical knight, and the most notorious female wizard. Considered as the childish member of the guild, Ezra became more serious, compassionate, disciplinarian and sympathetic, after she joined Fairy Tail. Erza has an artificial eye and she came out friendlier with other characters while going on adventures with other characters.
Wendy Marvell– Wendy Marvell is a young dragon slayer who is blessed with some healing powers and can also temporarily heal the motion sickness of Natsu. Wendy is portrayed as an admirer of Natsu who encourages her to use her magical abilities through enchantment.
Carla- Also known as Charles, she is just a white-furred exceed of Happy. She is Wendy Marvell’s partner and caretaker who has similar powers as that of Happy.
As of now, it is not sure about the future casting characters of season 10, but we are pretty much sure of the return of the lead characters of the show in the coming season.
Fairy Tail Season 10: Plot
The plot of this purely fictional series is a high fantasy based and revolves around the imaginative possibilities created by Hiro Mashima. The series displays the events in a mysterious world where a mix of varied characters is seen juggling with their magic powers.
The team consists of some lead characters like Natsu Dragneel, Lucy Hearfilia, Gray Fullbuster, Erza Scarlet who embark on various missions like overcoming criminals, and demons like Zefer. The journey to adventures starts when Natsu, explores the Kingdom of Flore in search of his father and ends up meeting many new wizards and befriended him. Lucy Heartfilia was the first wizard Natsu became friends with.
The show follows numerous creatures from different guilds who join Natsu and strive to get involved in the quest for father. In the meantime, other wizards like Happy, Gray Fullbuster, Erza Scarlet, Wendy Marvell, Carla also joined Natsu. All the members of the Fairy Tale along with Natsu get occupied with fighting criminals, dark guilds, and end up finding Zeref on Sirius Island, Fairy Tale’s sacred ground. But a ruthless and evil dragon, Acnologia catches them and the wizards of Fairy Tail bear a sudden attack. However, they managed to survive.
Later on, Acnologia destroys both guilds and Natsu’s father Igneel got killed in the process, leaving helpless Natsu only a mere spectator. Natsu, along with his other wizards develops a strategy to take revenge for his father’s death and makes strategies using all his wits to kill the devil Acnologia and continues his journeys of adventures in the show.
Fairy Tail Season 10: Crew and Other Updates
The animal television series, Fairy Tail is produced by Taihei Yamanishi and directed by Shinji Ishihira. The series was originally aired on TV Tokyo channel and released nine seasons during the last decade. Due to the increasing popularity of the series, the English version of the series was released and first aired on Animax Asia Channel.
Fairy Tale has released a total of 328 episodes till now. When it comes to the release of Season 10, we are all ears to any latest notification about its release. Hope we will get to see our favorite characters soon.