The pandemic has changed a lot of things in people’s lives. Perhaps one of the most unexpected changes is its effect on their waistlines. With gyms closed and many people working from home, it’s no surprise that the country is seeing an increase in obesity rates. So how does the pandemic affect people’s weight, and what can you do about it? Here’s everything you need to know.
Junk Food
With restaurants closed or offering limited menus, many people have been turning to processed foods as a quick and easy way to get their meals. Additionally, more people are ordering online and no longer get the exercise of walking or traveling to a restaurant. Unfortunately, these foods are often high in calories, fat, and sugar, which can lead to weight gain.
Lack of Gyms
Gyms are an essential place for keeping fit. However, 22% of gyms and fitness facilities were closed permanently during the pandemic. With gyms closed and less opportunity for physical activity, people are getting a decrease in the overall amount of exercise. This lack of activity can lead to weight gain.
The pandemic has been a stressful time for many people. When stressed, their bodies release a hormone called cortisol, leading to increased appetite and cravings for high-calorie foods. This can lead to weight gain. Additionally, stress eating is a common coping mechanism, which can also contribute to weight gain.
Lastly, there is the possibility that genetics play a role in weight gain during the pandemic. Some people may have genes that make them more likely to gain weight in times of stress and change, such as the current pandemic. When combined with the other factors listed above, genetics can be a defining factor as to why people are getting obese.
What Can You Do About It?
Fortunately, there are some things we can do to combat the obesity epidemic caused by the pandemic. Here are a few ideas:
Eat Healthily
One of the best and easiest ways to stay fit during the pandemic is to eat healthily. Here are some simple ways you can do that.
It’s pretty easy to eat a lot during the pandemic. Consider fasting if you don’t want to be picky with the food you eat or the quantity. Fasting is a way to eat healthily without limiting your food choices. It can also help with weight loss and improve overall health. So how does it work?
Fasting works by scheduling specific times to eat and not to eat. For example, you can only eat within an 8-hour window each day and fast for the remaining 16 hours. Some people also choose to do intermittent fasting, where they only eat during certain days of the week. During fasting, your body will burn stored energy, leading to weight loss.
Meal Prep
Did you know that meal prepping is an excellent way to stay healthy, especially during the current pandemic? By preparing your meals ahead of time on the weekends, for example, you have tasty and nutritious options available all week long. Not only does this help reduce impulsive unhealthy food choices, but it also saves precious time during busy work weeks. When meal prepping, ensure that you use healthy ingredients. Thankfully, you can now order online from a health food store. These stores stock some great and healthy options, such as ingredients free from GMOs or preservatives. They even sell teas that can help you reduce or maintain weight!
Get Creative With Exercise
There are plenty of ways to get exercise without going to the gym. You can walk, run outside, do an at-home workout video, or even take a break from sitting at your desk every few hours to move around and get your blood flowing.
Manage Stress
Stress management is different for everyone, but there are plenty of helpful resources out there if you need ideas on getting started. Here are some of the known ways to manage stress:
Meditation is one of the activities you can do in the comfort of your home. It can help with reducing stress and anxiety.
Physical activity can also reduce stress and release endorphins and the “feel good” hormones in their bodies. So take advantage of the opportunities for exercise listed above!
Speaking to a therapist or counselor can help manage stress and find healthy ways to cope. In addition, many therapy sessions are now offered online, making them more accessible during the pandemic.
Overall, it’s important to remember that weight gain during the pandemic is not your fault. There are numerous factors at play beyond individual control. However, by being mindful of these factors and taking steps towards healthier eating and exercise habits, we can prevent further weight gain during this difficult time.