Many anime series fall under action and sci-fi genres, with Azur Lane being one of them. The story takes a world of war between kingdoms and nations, which has a military aspect.
Azur lane, an anime series, is an adaptation based on a video game, Azur Lane, created by Chinese developers Shanghai Manjuu and Xiamen Yongshi. This video game has been released for both Android and IOS. The video was first launched in China in May and later in Japan in September, both in the same year. The game became popular in Japan and has secured five million players since its first release. It is also among the top five of Google Play’s Best Game of 2017.
The Renewal status of Azur Lane season 2
The anime series Azur Lane adaptation was announced in September 2018. Bibury Animation Studios is the one in charge of the animated adaptation. The studio is popularly known for its anime release, the two seasons of The Quintessential Quintuplets.
Another anime adaptation of Azur Lane is based on the Manga series, written and illustrated by Hori, called Azur Lane: Bisoku Zenshin (Azur Lane 4-Koma; Slow Ahead). This adaptation was released by Yostar Pictures together with CANDY BOX. Despite being a newcomer in this scene, the two studios have both attracted a lot of attention from fans, more than the main anime series.
The anime series Azur Lane premiered on October 3, 2019. It consists of 12 episodes which were concluded on March 20, 2020. The conclusion date was planned to be on December 26, 2019, but due to an unavoidable production reason, the last two episodes were aired on 13 and 20, 2020, respectively.
On the other hand, Azur Lane: Bisoku Zenshin started to premiere on January 12, 2021. The anime has twelve episodes, with the last episode being aired on March 30, the same year.
After the season finale of the anime series, fans are craving the sequel. Will there be a season two production of this anime series?
Currently, there is no information regarding the production of Azur Lane season 2 from any of the two studios. It is still unknown whether there will be a renewal, but once a hint is out regarding the production, an update will be made.
What are the odds of production of Azur Lane season two?
Season two has slim chances for the production of this anime series. The reason is that the anime series was not well received by fans hence having a score of 6.29 on MyAnimeList. While on the other hand, Azur Lane: Bisoku Zenshin had a great run having a score of 7.05 on the same platform.
A lot of fans on the Reddit Forum complained about the series adaptation. There is still hope for the production of this anime series adaptation but from another studio which is most likely to be Yostar Pictures.
There is a high possibility of production of Azur Lane season 2, but that will have to wait at least one or two years before the production. But this is speculation, so don’t hold your hopes high until there is an announcement.