Plunderer is a popular action-fantasy anime series adapted from the manga series written by Suu Minazuki. It got licensed by Funimation and animated by Geek Toys studio, best known for the Hensuki anime series. Kadokawa began to publish the manga in December 2014, but the Anime first appeared on local Japanese networks on 8 January 2020.
Plunderer gained global viewers because of Funimation and Hulu TV. After season one of the Anime, which consists of 24 episodes, its fans now wonder about the second season. So, has the series been renewed for a second season? Read on to find out.
What is the Plunder’s Plotline?
Everyone has points in Plunderer’s world, a trick similar to the sum of actions one has taken throughout life. Each action earns plus points. If one doesn’t collect new points, the existing points get deleted one after the other and level to zero. Zeroing for a long time is equivalent to dying.
When Hina’s mother’s count is compromised, she sets out to search for the Red Baron. Along the way, she meets Litch, who’s also looking for the baron. That’s when the duo’s adventure begins in the first season of Plunder.
Is Plunder Renewed for a Second Season?
As of June 2022, Geek Toys studio or any related company has not released news on the renewal for a second season. However, that’s an ordinary situation for anime series. A few factors go into consideration to know if an anime gets renewed. The most important consideration is if the source material is sufficient for a continuation and the popularity of the series.
About the Manga
The Plunderer is an adaptation of the manga written and illustrated by Suu Minazuki. It has been published in Monthly Shonen Ace magazine since December 2014. The manga has 24 volumes, with its last publication on 26 April 2022. According to reports, the manga series has 1.6M copies in circulation as of 2021.
Only 38 of the 82 chapters of the manga were adapted into Plunder’s season one. Therefore, the manga has sufficient source material for a second season of the Anime. So we have hope of renewal soon.
The popularity of the Anime
The popularity of Plunder has picked up over the years, and it currently has a strong Google search worldwide. The Anime is ranked 586th on the Myanimelist popularity ranking. On the other hand, the disc sales of the Anime are at 200, far below expectations. Generally, about 4,000 units are expected to be sold for Anime to earn a renewal. However, disc sales have generally decreased worldwide due to online video watching.
On Twitter, Plunderer has earned 16K followers. The popularity is not positive considering most animes approved for new seasons in Japan have over 100k followers.
When is the Second Season of Plunderer?
There hasn’t been a renewal for Plunderer yet, but by the above speculations, there is a light for a second season of the series. The manga is popular and has enough source materials. However, its low disc sales and lack of popularity in Japan could affect its renewal. In case of any official updates from the producers of Plunderer, we will keep you updated.
Characters in Plunderer
Hina is the main heroine, and Litch batch is the main male protagonist. Other characters include Lyne Mei, Prison/Jail Murdoch, and Poporo Pele.