What are charter schools? These learning facilities are a hot topic in the news media, but what makes them different from traditional educational models?
That’s a good question. A charter school is allowed more freedom than other schools. That means your student could, on any given day, be having class outside, working with fun STEM toys, or learning how to make a new friend.
Students Eligible to Attend
So you’re considering enrolling your school-aged child or children into a charter school, but you’re not sure that it’s the right decision. Some kids thrive in a nontraditional environment. This can be a benefit for many kids.
If your child is:
- Part of an ethnic minority
- Part of a religious minority
- Non-native English speaker
You may find that these schools offer a safe, protected environment where learning can really thrive.
Many of these places are non-profit. But what does that mean? Attending a non-profit school means that you can feel good about making tuition payments. That is because your money will be funneled back into the education of your little shining stars.
This is one reason why political and community leaders are showing their support for this program.
But what is the best decision for you? Each parent must make the decision for themselves. Only they are best equipped to make such a personal and important decision for their families.
In order to enroll, a potential student has to live within the district. Some exceptions may be allowed, but those students may not be eligible for sports or other recreational activities, which may be a deal-breaker for some families.
Pro Tip: When enrolling in a new educational facility, have a proof of address ready. This could be a bill or a letter addressed to you or your student.
The Center for Research on Education Outcomes at Stanford University published a report that said that charter students showed better results on standardized testing than students at traditional educational facilities. Facilities like the Harriet Tubman Charter School are part of the wave of facilities boasting of high test scores. You can click the link for more information.
Although the survey was only conducted across twenty-seven states, the researchers assert that their findings are sound.
Adhere to Regulations of Public Schools
You may be wondering, what other benefits are there to charter schools? They have more flexibility in key areas, such as:
- Curriculum
- Scheduling
- Staffing
While old-fashioned schools are tied to a core curriculum, teachers in charter schools are freer to make changes to cater to the individual learning styles of their students. For some parents, this can be an area of concern. After all, if their students aren’t expected to hit the same landmarks as other students, aren’t they going to fall behind?
For parents of ADHD children, the ability to change the curriculum means that teachers are better able to accommodate students. One of the most common learning disabilities is ADHD, which can make sitting still for hours at a time nearly impossible for those who have it. So imagine how your little learner’s morale will improve when their daily educational tasks include more time running, climbing trees, and chattering away with their fellow students.
If you have a hard time getting your child up and ready in time for school, it may be worthwhile checking out an alternative. Many students struggle in a traditional learning environment. Parents and guardians, given the choice, are empowered to make the best possible decisions for their kids.
Scheduling can be another area that can make a big difference to staff and students. Many studies have shown that working with children’s circadian rhythms can be a simple way to improve their test scores.
Circadian rhythms are the internal rhythms our bodies follow. They set our wake-sleep cycle; influence our metabolism, and much, much more.
While there are things we can do to alter our circadian rhythms, we can’t completely change them. Starting classes later in the day can help kids learn at the times that are biologically determined to be best for them. Sounds great, doesn’t it?
Does learning later in the day mean that students are missing out? On the contrary; a study by the National Center on Time and Learning found that these facilities were able to extend their instruction time, sometime for as much as 15 minutes a day.
You can visit this organization’s website: https://timeandlearning.org/ for more information. That may not seem like much, at first, but that means that students will have more than an extra hour of instruction every week.
Children are varied and unique. Because they are all individuals, no one style of schooling can possibly be the best fit for everyone. Charter schools are adaptable, and can provide alternate learning environments. This may be exactly the kind of place you are looking for.
Accountability is a Key Component of a Successful Charter School System
With all these freedoms, you may be wondering, how can these facilities operate this way? Who is in charge? Will there be any standards enforced for my little learner?
These are all valid concerns. Contacting your school of choice can give you more details. You can even consult with a few schools in your area and choose the one that seems to fit you’re and your student beset.
Interested in finding out more? You’re in luck, because the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 states that facilities must keep records of certain metrics. You can learn more about this legislation by clicking the link. These include:
- Special Education Services
- Student enrollment
- Attendance
This means that you can thoroughly vet any potential institution by finding out what resources they have available and how often they are made available to the students. What good is a physical therapy room if no one ever uses it?
Now you’ve got the inside scoop, you’re ready to get out there and make a decision about where your one-of-a-kind child will learn, thrive, and survive best. And who better to do it than you?